Our product catalogue is structured bilingually: in German and English. In the meantime, it is only available online as a PDF flip page catalogue for the environment's sake.
So you have a practical search function and can also create your inquiry directly from the online product catalogue. For this purpose we have converted the store function into an inquiry function.
However, due to the variety of our product range, we only have selected products in our catalogue.
If you cannot find your desired item in the catalogue, please contact us directly.
Our operation manuals can be found on the product pages directly with the respective product. They are currently in German-English. If you need them in further languages, please contact us directly.
For many of our products, 3D drawing data in STEP format is already available, which we will be glad to send you upon request.
We can also create the 3D drawings for our products for you within a short time.
Our data sheets are available in two languages, German and English, as standard.
Please contact us for data sheets in other languages and data sheets for non-catalogue items.
Our product catalogue is structured bilingually: in German and English. In the meantime, it is only available online as a PDF flip page catalogue for the environment's sake.
So you have a practical search function and can also create your inquiry directly from the online product catalogue. For this purpose we have converted the store function into an inquiry function.
However, due to the variety of our product range, we only have selected products in our catalogue.
If you cannot find your desired item in the catalogue, please contact us directly.
Our operation manuals can be found on the product pages directly with the respective product. They are currently in German-English. If you need further languages, please contact us directly.
For many of our products, 3D drawing data in STEP format is already available, which we will be glad to send you upon request.
We can also create the 3D drawings for our products for you within a short time.
Our data sheets are available in two languages, German and English, as standard.
Please contact us for data sheets in other languages and data sheets for non-catalogue items.
Bildstock 37
DE-88085 Langenargen
Tel.: +49 (0)7543 93463-0
Fax: +49 (0)7543 93463-10
Business Hours
Monday-Thursday | 08:00 - 16:00 |
Friday | 08:00 - 12:00 |
Saturday-Sunday | Closed |
Our company will be closed in 2025 on the listed dates below:
April | 18.04.2025 | Good Friday |
21.04.2025 | Easter Monday | |
May | 01-02.05.2025 | Labour Day |
29-30.05.2025 | Ascension Day | |
June | 09.06.2025 | Whit Monday |
19-20.06.2025 | Corpus Christi | |
August | 11-22.08.2025 | EUROTEC Company Holidays |
October | 03.10.2025 | German Unification Day |
December | 23.12.2025-02.01.2025 | Christmas & New Year |
January 2026 | 05-06.01.2026 | Epiphany |
On these dates there will be no dispatch or receipt of goods.
Please consider these dates in your scheduling.